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  1. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Is that when the PEDs arrive? :D
  2. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    but kfc is more enticing? :)
  3. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Deadball says 9kg in it. Squat + press (thruster?) doesn't say, but most endurance tests like that are 40kg
  4. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Why would you want to do that to yourself? :p
  5. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Come on mate, theres girls at my gym pushing that.
  6. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Needs more squats / deadlifts.
  7. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    This one is a fairly big part. If you enjoy something you'll keep doing it. Doesn't really matter what activity it is, but staying active is important. If it sucks (like long running does for me) then I'm less likely to commit to a consistent plan of it.
  8. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Have you done any form of anything in a while? :P What do you do these days?
  9. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Keep up that rate and it'll be 0 by next year :)
  10. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Sounds too much like cardio to me :p
  11. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Hadnt tried wall sit test before so just tried it in my lounge room (while watching the cricket) and lasted a minute. Started aching cuz ive been sitting all day; if I was properly warmed up could prob last for ages. I do barbell squats and pause at the bottom sometimes, so I guess that helps.
  12. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    For majority of people, its just realising not to heel strike. I'm doing a quick diet for upcoming vacation. Looking forward to 12 week bulk upon return.
  13. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    What weight are they? Can you flip them?
  14. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Do some squats/deadlifts to retain manliness
  15. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Deadlifted 130 for a few sets/reps tonight. Well below pre-hiatus max but definitely going in the right direction. Aiming for 200 by mid year.
  16. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Yep, definitely prefer the 2nd pic over the 1st
  17. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    muscle tissue has a higher BMR than fat tissue does, is the simplest way to put it.
  18. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Good one mate. I'm finally getting back into the swing of things after my long hiatus. I should be up to my previous maxes (140kg squat, 180kg deadlift) by June / July.
  19. D.T.

    Understand the math ~ Diet vs Exercise

    Sucker :cool: