Search results

  1. D.T.


    Grats Geoff. I'm proud that someone of your age is back in the work force instead of just giving up like some others i know... I'm 6 months into my new job as of last week and they've kept me :p but its flown by
  2. D.T.


    Finish up at my company of 3yrs this Friday. Booked in for VMWare course next week. About 4 interviews lined up.
  3. D.T.


    They were, ive ordered a copy.
  4. D.T.


    Just went for an interview. They sounded very happy with me, I think im a shoe in. Except they want a police clearance. I did some wrongdoings nearly 10 years ago. If they call me back should I try to explain it to them or politely decline? Im concerned if I explain it to them they'll tell the...
  5. D.T.


    I gave 4 weeks notice to my company 2 weeks ago. I havent been hunting at full pace yet as its difficult to arrange time off work to go to interviews, but be ive still had 3. All paying between 5k and 20k more than im on now. They say the IT job market is **** atm, but I feel I have a good set...