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  1. D.T.

    2014/15 Budget - good for investors? So you're Norwegian?
  2. D.T.

    2014/15 Budget - good for investors?

    Im not sure where people keep getting this idea from that uni is or will be expensive. Have you heard of supply and demand? I learnt about it in Economics in Year 11 with some old bald guy whose name escapes me. Do you think universities want no students? Or not to have a reputation of getting...
  3. D.T.

    2014/15 Budget - good for investors?

    Sash Not sure how im going to afford this $7 doctors caper. Maybe ill have to go once a day instead of 10 times a day? Or maybe I should go to america where a doctor wont see me at all unless im with one of the insurance companies he aligns?