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  1. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    Also on the topic of not posting cashflow positive properties, what makes this worth $60pw more than this? Are they different bedroom setups...
  2. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    Smithfield Plains $160k buy Rent 260pw Less agency fee, rates, insurance 100% finance (equity redraw + 88% counted against prop) CF+ $3k pa (not taking any depreciation into account either) Shall I go on?
  3. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    Why is everyone giving the guy such a hard time about his qualifications? Surely thats not all that matters? Dave M BSc, SSc
  4. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    I'll let Sim know that you have decree'd development a banned subject, so he can update the rules and delete all the threads related to it. I will arrange a book burning in the main square for 4pm as well.
  5. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    Similar age, its for development which will net $110k profit per build. Not bad for a slum.
  6. DaveM

    Property mentor - Binvested Nathan Birch

    Hmm, I guess the smithfield plains IP I just bought with a rental value of $260pw from a registered valuer on the bank valuation is wrong? I had better let the bank know, I will give them your number to call to confirm actuals.