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  1. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Thanks Westminster, I'm quite a positive person and hope this DA run smoothly however the realist in me knows anything can happen :)
  2. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi folks, time for an update. We got final plans and tried to incorporate some of your ideas so thanks for your time and help. Somethings we just couldn't change like the bin locations due to the nature of the staged development. I've managed to get just about everything I wanted...
  3. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Yeah they let me know it could be a while but on the good side City of Stirling have just brought on 4 new town planners so hopefully that should speed things up a little. It's funny cause we actually got WAPC approval for a single unit behind the existing property in 3 months just before...
  4. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Thanks Aaron, your input is greatly appreciated :) What's the go with HPG fallout, would you mind filling me in via PM? I will ensure balconies are 31c, I assumed they were already (doh! never assume). What r u on about re unrelated people sharing the living room? I was thinking...
  5. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi Westminster, bug away :) All ideas are great, even if they don't work they always lead onto something else. Enjoy the hols, if you are indeed on hols.
  6. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Awesome, I've asked Bell Merenda to give us prices on the units already sold, they manage the existing property in Nollamara :)
  7. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi Westminster, good ideas for sure, I don't however think the bins are something that needs to be done prior to DA however I'll still get them moved, I agree it would be noisy and possibly smelly and something I totally overlooked, it's a good pickup. The stores were originally access from...
  8. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi Mtr, thanks for your reply. That's great selling prices, if I were to be selling only I'd defo consider it. However since I need access to equity I'm reliant on the banks valuations and you know what they're like, they hardly ever take into account recent price hikes. For example only...
  9. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Were paying the subdivision using cash, once it's complete we'll use the equity to pay for deposit of construction loan, prob around 85% mark plus leave some over to pay for construction costs.
  10. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    I like it. I'll ask to see if the builder can do something with the smaller rooms, I suppose there's no harm in asking :) thanks Dave
  11. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    I agree Chase and thanks for your thoughts, I've just put the numbers in the post, there not 100% accurate but should be close enough. your spot on with the staged development, if things really hit the fan I can always... Sell entire block with DA Sell Rear block after subdivision with DA...
  12. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi Sanj, I've seen your name here a lot and know your well respected so I appreciate your ideas. For Nollamara the units selling prices for a 3x2 are about $400 with double storey town house going for just above that about $440. Not enough in it for us, I've detailed my costs etc. in an...
  13. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    2 years mate all up. Yes correct will retain existing house while renting rear apartments.
  14. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi all, thanks for all your thoughts, it's great to know you all care enough to reply to my post and to also help us understand our options. Just to put you in the picture this is our first development. We didn't come into this lightly and knew it was going to be tough, but that's where...
  15. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Don't mind what so ever, look forward to it.
  16. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Wow that's amazing, I purchased ours just before xmas for $471K, woohoo!!!
  17. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Up to stage 3 we're using resi loan, then another resi loan for stage 4. If we did both dwellings at the same time I would need commercial but I don't have the funds at this time. Hopefully in the future at some point we could purchase and build both dwellings at the same time but that's way off.
  18. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Yeah it's amazing they've managed to fit it all in a still keep the design looking great. It's gonna be cash flow positive by about $800 a month after all expenses once stage 3 is complete, based on a 1.1 mill loan and 15% holding costs which may be a little on the low side. Once we've got...
  19. D

    Nollamara Development - Stage 1 (DA) WooHoo!!

    Hi all, been round here a while and been looking at all the posts you guys and gals post. Your help for others and inspirational own stories are what keeps me coming back. So thanks for everything so far, here's to my own development :) stage 1 - DA Approval for 6 units within two multi...