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  1. Dazz

    Private car park infringement

    Top post hobo....a person that owns no property but takes great delight in pointing out the potholes along the road to wealth, for the supposed benefit of those that do own property ?? You're not a realist at all, that is delusion. Twice you have now likened shopping centre owners to...
  2. Dazz

    Private car park infringement

    If you're not sure, let me explain's quite simple. You wish to park your car on someone else's property and leave it there for a few hours - expect to pay a few dollars for the privilege. Those few dollars pay for the elbow room that your car occupies...and that's it. Everyone...
  3. Dazz

    Private car park infringement

    That is the very attitude that is slowly killing the world. Your profession Sir is a parasitic scourge on society.
  4. Dazz

    Private car park infringement're still using wormy language. You were there, you were involved and saw lived it. Why do you insist on prefacing everything with the word "if". You didn't answer my simple question - what was the infringement - and did you do it ?? Sorry, I thought you...
  5. Dazz

    Private car park infringement

    What was the infringement ?? Don't play around - you were there and saw everything. Timings, notices on site stipulating conditions, everything. Did you do something on their property that you agreed not to do when entering their property ?? Get rid of the word alleged - you don't need...