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  1. Dazz

    Welcome Nathan Burgess

    Absolutely dan c. Agree fully. But this post is about ATO officials, wearing their ATO officials hat, making posts on a public forum.....with all of the added credibility and weight of opinion that their official title brings to bear. Reading something on this forum from the Deputy...
  2. Dazz

    Welcome Nathan Burgess

    .....which, in any case, is not worth having a contest over, cos our very own Terryw would immediately rise to the top and never possibly be challenged. The bloke literally has a degree in everything and is qualified in everything. It would be a far shorter list to detail what Terryw isn't...
  3. Dazz

    Welcome Nathan Burgess

    Not from their perspective no. But that's not why the Somers set this forum up.....such that the ATO could gather intelligence and monitor trends to use against investors. Looks like their objectives then are almost at loggerheads with what folks come onto the forum for. Umpires, not...
  4. Dazz

    Welcome Nathan Burgess

    Frank Packer Kerry Packer Alan Bond Lindsay Fox Robert Holmes a Court Len Buckeridge Frank Lowy Gina Rinehart Kerry Stokes All of these people have amassed fortunes more than a Billion Dollars and I'd reckon you'd be scratching to find anything more than a standard Yr 12...