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  1. D

    Property Prices Doubles in every 10 years rule

    That's right. People should keep believing that. Less competition for some of us.
  2. D

    Property Prices Doubles in every 10 years rule

    Correct just as people think it is different now and we will never have major wars again, US has invaded the Middle East and Russia the Ukranians. History always repeats. So does house price growth.
  3. D

    Property Prices Doubles in every 10 years rule

    The index from my observation is almost always a better buy than property, especially if the ability to time well was taken into account for both. The only difference is with the index, you can't leverage cheaply without being margin called.
  4. D

    Property Prices Doubles in every 10 years rule

    What when vegetables costs 100k?
  5. D

    Property Prices Doubles in every 10 years rule

    Some properties double in 2 years, some don't move for 10 years.