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  1. D

    Invest or payoff debts - question on another forum

    Completely agreed. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. Some use it to make $300k, some $30k, some $3k.
  2. D

    Invest or payoff debts - question on another forum

    I meant, if your properties cost you $60k pa to hold due to interest, council rates and land taxes, you may want to pay down debt quickly and leave some buffer for when rates go up and prices come down. If your properties make you $100k positive cash flow per annum, you may consider taking a...
  3. D

    Invest or payoff debts - question on another forum

    Depends on your cashflow position. If you have strong positive cashflow and a buffer, chase opportunities, but probably not many in Sydney/Melbourne. If you are negative cashflow, would highly recommend paying off debt during this period.
  4. D

    Invest or payoff debts - question on another forum

    Everything in moderation. Invest wisely when you can, but don't overstretch yourself, make sure you have a cash buffer and cashflow if things don't go well.