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  1. D

    Compound Returns

    Yea I was looking at CAGR specifically.
  2. D

    Compound Returns

    True but the point was really if you're not growing by 20% or maybe 40% pa you'll fall behind quickly. Perhaps it didn't come across properly. The post wasn't about me but more the mindset behind say Berkshire Hathaway's compound returns.
  3. D

    Compound Returns

    You mean Biz? Not sure But wouldn't you have to have CG every year to live? What if there's no CG?
  4. D

    Compound Returns

    LOE would need a fair bit would've thought. Not to mention it might not be there if the market dives :D
  5. D

    Compound Returns

    I was running some numbers today and just realised my wealth has had an average compound return of around 125% since 2008 from when I was a graduate. This includes rent, estimate capital growth, salary, shares etc, you name it. Which got me thinking about a few things about accumulating wealth...