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  1. D

    House prices

    Hmmm let's see I'm looking at 1991. Rates up, prices down. But of course we all preach what we want to believe. Great advice!
  2. D

    House prices

    Well... it's all about individual perceptions. As I said, those JP Morgan property people made $2m a year in salary (and there's lots of these people around). They're still working because they don't feel they're rich enough. Yet there're others who think they can ride the world with $2m equity...
  3. D

    House prices

    Yes I am referring to empire builders. Don't really consider sub $20m equity/net assets to be wealthy, and I don't think it's that easy to build equity beyond $20m without working hard for quite a while at some stage. Just mindful we're not falling into the trap of thinking wealth equates to...
  4. D

    House prices

    Yes but most rich people worked very hard at some stage, and probably worked even harder as they got richer. So are they happy and have they achieved success? Is that the life all of you want to lead? These people derive a sense of success from their achievement, not necessarily from their...
  5. D

    House prices

    One of the greatest things about forums is diverse opinions and it's always amazing to see people get so defensive and dismiss anything they don't like to hear. You ask what would a "fund manager" such as JP Morgan would know about property. For starters, one of the things that - to be...
  6. D

    House prices

    If you can afford it which is the whole point why demand might be staved off...
  7. D

    House prices

    Bludger, tot all cycles are the same. In your version of The Cycle I don't see anything resembling the property crash in the early 90s. Sure things might be different now and I'm not necesarilly advocating that there will be a crash, nor do I hope so, having substantial myself. The point...
  8. D

    House prices

    Living in top end myself, I can attest to the fact that top end got hit the most like they do in any other recession. During booms, top end far exceeds their fundamental value or should we say, as we do in corporate, their discounted cash flow valuation + the imbedded option value. So naturally...