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  1. D

    Weekly budgets
  2. D

    Weekly budgets

    Are we confusing the words thrifty and frugal again?
  3. D

    Weekly budgets

    Absolutely agree. When a few cents movement in stocks is starting to earn you or cost you $3k for example, some things just become so trivial. I'd save some $700 if I sold my SSM, 5 minutes earlier, for half a cent more. That $700 would buy me 2 months of food stock judging on a budget like...
  4. D

    Weekly budgets

    Where I'm from some people earn $50 a month. If I were to restrain my spending on that basis, I'd probably struggle to turn on my TV without passing my monthly budget.
  5. D

    Weekly budgets

    It's all relative. Here's two hypothetical examples with the $40 salad. Is it more an indulgence if someone earn $500k and eats a $40 salad? Or is it more an indulgence for someone to earn $40k and eat a $15 salad? There're wines out there everyday costing $1500. Occassionally you see some...
  6. D

    Weekly budgets

    Haha no need to feel sorry for me because I don't spend money to impress anyone. I spend because it actually improves my quality of life. To give you an easy example, I'd spend $40 on a salad and often would because I enjoy the ambience of fine dining and I like to indulge myself with quality...
  7. D

    Weekly budgets

    Haha well there comes a point where the little stuff is just too trivial isn't it? Firstly, the time gone towards working out how to save a little bit here and there can probably be spent working out what stock to buy which could yield you hundreds of k in weeks. More importantly, if...