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  1. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    What you want to know is the 'net income'... FY2010 GDP is only $1,200bn Our total exports were $265bn to August YoY compared with imports of $264bn... You can't quite quote a 'revenue' line. It's like saying Company X makes $100m revenue but has $150m expenses. As long as Centrelink keeps...
  2. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    Yep sure and what have you done to inform yourself of the alternative view?
  3. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    In the making. I think it's called Australia though just let me check on the atlas
  4. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    Gj voting independents, unions and greens in. Oh well at least it means, taking each political party in order (independent, union, green) you'll get that $1bn hospital in Tasmania (must be world's most expensive hospital), get to work 1 day a week and still be paid 5 (but your employer will...
  5. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    Going to live like it up in Shanghai next week. !!!
  6. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    Hmm Chongqing is really interesting indeed - as said in other threads I've given up in HK since I really wanted to buy into Bel Air No 8 but couldn't afford it at such lofty prices now. So mght as well go mainland.
  7. D

    Aussie dollar at parity right now

    Lovely... time to buy more HKSE shares. My parents kept saying they'd buy HSBC shares at sub-$100. It's way below that and they haven't moved. Not to mention checking out Chongqing and Chengdu next month when I go.