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  1. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****? Re printing money, maybe USA will initiate WW3 when they get angry because they can only afford used chewing gum.
  2. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    Nah When that happens there'll be no military attached to any country, but to the UN.
  3. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    Sounds easy huh? Here's the problem... If you print more money, demand > supply --> US$ currency deflation (perhaps A$0.01 for US$10) --> meaning it'll still take just as long to pay the debt back In the mean time you have just created an inflation problem since your China imports and...
  4. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    These days, wealthy Chinese simply need to get HK SAR 3-star status to be immune from China's laws. No need for overseas citizenships. Though they don't mind getting residency status overseas. Not sure if you know the difference between the two...
  5. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    Not judging from the people who vote Greens.
  6. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    Real democracy? They must be talking about the NATO one that invades other countries. Lol These people are so deluded. No wonder they've been stuck in the rat race and now live in a bankrupt country and can't get out... no mean feat
  7. D

    Would you riot if your country was up the *****?

    No I will just leave ... if I was American/Irish/Greek/Portugese, I'd migrate so quickly you wouldn't believe it. Thx god I hold dual citizenship.