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  1. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Agreed. The problem I have is when people tell me a rising USD is not mutually exclusive with rising gold price when their 20/20 hindsight losses are put to them, as our fellow forumite does. There's some truth to that in specific circumstances where fundamental demand in the jewellery...
  2. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    All I said was I outperformed the gold price which went down 20%. Why you so upset? As you say, predicting the future is important for making money. But so is learning from past mistakes or learning from other people's successes, which is probably something this site has to offer you.
  3. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Nothing I believe matters. Facts are just that, facts. You'll now have to wait for the gold price to increase to around $4000/oz before you reach my same $300k in the example.
  4. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Market timing is obviously important, even if you do things for a long-term strategy. Let's take your gold speculation and my last property purchase as examples. Let's say we're both optimists of gold prices and believe it'll sky-rocket in the long-run. And let's say we both started with $100k...
  5. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Someone who loses money has as valid a point as Steve Keen.
  6. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    What's cheap about trying to make $$ in the quickest timeframe possible?
  7. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    I use the word punt freely. Didn't realise we're politicians suddenly. Here let me try again. I strategically calculate and invest in real estate.
  8. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    I punted on some real estate and made some 200% return on equity in 8 months (but settlement occurred only 3-4 months ago), plus get an additional 12% return on equity from rent per annum. That said, I do spend close to 1 hour per week at some stage following up on some minor renovations and...
  9. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    You make it sound like I stumbled across this by accident. Reality is, I thought the fall in AUD and spike in inner city would happen probably in 2014. It just occurred faster than I expected, that's all. Nothing particularly stands out at the moment because markets that are going up have...
  10. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Yes I held USD, all entered above $1.00. Nearly all my cash reserves has been in USD except for money spent on real estate. The fall in the AUD was so obvious, as was the rise in inner city property prices (which by the way has far outpaced my return on the USDAUD trade). As I have said in many...
  11. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Double whammy as I said recently. With the fall in AUD, all my cash reserves is up around 15-20% in value. Then the properties are probably up another notch on equity value (up to 200% on some) with the recent uptick in inner city.
  12. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    As I said, there's merit to some of what everyone is saying. All that matters is, how much money you made in the past 12 months from all these predictions and convictions you all have?
  13. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    The yields are just a small part of the game. Better value is when you identify undervalued property, do the right but cheap thing to revalue it (eg simple permitting, subdivision without actual renovation) and have it doubled in value the next month, especially at the $2m+ mark. The yield...
  14. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    Let's use your numbers as example. Assumptions (I can see some people stopping reading by now): Net Yield (fo argument's sake): 6% Cost of Debt: 4.8% (at Westpac) Let's use some figures to make it easy for everyone (if you're even reading after seeing numbers). Cost of Property: $1.0m...
  15. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    I purchased because I felt the sites were undervalued. They were prime sites so yes, in the long-run I am banking on capital growth. In the short-term, I sensed they were undervalued, just that the capital growth appeared quicker than I imagined. Yields were enough to positively gear at 100%...
  16. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    5 years would mean you bought in 2008. Not sure how you didnt go up... unless you were ripped off in first place. You had the 09/10 undisputed boom
  17. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    That's true. The point I was really trying to make was, if we listened to all this rhetoric and armchair analysis 18 months ago, we would've missed some of these opportunities. Same right now.
  18. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    I said early on I look within a very small radius and I can see that this segment of the market has come from a long way and is booming, if not anything else. The point was, there were and still are people preaching how bad real estate investment is for the past 18 months. The results in...
  19. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    You just ignored a link to a property I posted earlier showing that 50% gain. Should I post another 5 examples that have been auctioned off this month? It'll be conveniently ignored again. As Aaron says, we're at the coalface of it. Not sure what's with all this rhetoric otherwise that is...
  20. D

    Property risk highest in a long time

    As I said before, all this rhetoric and armchair analysis is just what it is: rhetoric and armchair analysis. Try going to the frontline of the action and see how prices fly 50% above where they were last year. People have tripled their equity if not more if they bought last year in...