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  1. Doncossack

    Timeline, milestones.

    Just checked old emails and I got the years mixed up... 1st IP in Moscow was 2005 when they were dirt cheap and the start of a massive growth cycle.....2009 in St Petersburg is when I officially got the ownership papers and paid the second half of the money, but I paid the first half in 2007...
  2. Doncossack

    Timeline, milestones.

    1975- born(the year of the entrepreneur) 1993-first ppor(now IP) bought for 84k(220k) in Ballarat.. Worked at Maccas and received Austudy. 2000- second ppor(now IP) bought for 204k(440k)in Townsville 2001- moved abroad.. (still living abroad) 2005-third IP bought in centre Moscow for 60k(220k)...