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  1. Fifth

    The Australian housing bubble furphy

    You can't read this, but here goes. How many investors are putting down a decent enough deposit to achieve CF+? If property goes up, rents will not catch up even with rent rises. Both stagnation and rent rises are required to bridge the gap. Yields are anything but decent and...
  2. Fifth

    The Australian housing bubble furphy

    Indeed. However, some overly enthusiastic investors seem to struggle with the concept of peaks.
  3. Fifth

    The Australian housing bubble furphy

    We need to reintroduce the gold standard, de-float the AUD and rebuild our manufacturing sector for house prices to stabilise? What a basket case property market we must have! In terms of property, modest incremental growth coupled with decent rental yields is far from a bad thing...
  4. Fifth

    The Australian housing bubble furphy

    There are many methods of measuring affordability, none of them flawless. Funnily enough, they all seem to conclude pretty much the same thing - prices are high whilst affordability is low. We can bicker about how high and high low, whipping out graphs, charts and quaint 'can-do' personal tales...
  5. Fifth

    The Australian housing bubble furphy

    Bah! Humbug! In most major cities the 'housing shortage' is mere propaganda.