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  1. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    Agree. I did not do an English major in uni, but to me this is brilliant poetry.
  2. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    I am seeing this Labor/Green govt make decisions that are 'marginally' better than earlier decisions by their standard. By their standard, it is a triumph of incremental wisdom in govt policies. Previously, the Howard regime has the Pacific solution. Boat refugee scam stopped. After cries...
  3. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    A forumer mentioned that the ALP has been the common harbinger of 'crisis' and 'climate change' is merely the latest. Seeing that Labor gained power upon the support of Greens with their fringe issue agenda, you are on the ball with the profiling. Cheers :)
  4. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    Fighting climate change according to an economist Czech President, Vaclav Klaus on climate change today: Did you folks listen to what Vaclav Klaus said at his talk to...
  5. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    Carbon Tax debate in Canberra 19 July Lord Moncktons debate with Richard Dennis in Canberra on 19th July - Good news - ABC 1 & 24 plus Sky will broadcast live nationally next Tuesday. Supporters for Richard Dennis have booked 120 persons . Price is $57 Canberra is a stronghold of CT...
  6. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    Locko, I like you already as you do not prejudge me and read my thoughts! :D The statement on desert omitted references to exemplary Israeli initiatives, oasis, technology for arid living, etc.
  7. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    I appreciate the input of forumers, especially the line of arguement of Aaron, Bluestorm and VB. It seems the CT has very little impact on changing the inevitability of climate change for the next decade. Yet making some change in the right direction is necessary but to be effective needs to...
  8. Francesco

    Carbon tax

    I am just wary about what Julia has in mind when ABC 24 hours summarise that 'self funded retirees will receive same assistance as pensioners'? Is it a gigantic con when full self funded retirees do not qualify for govt pension anyway and if they use the same conditions to disqualify self...