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  1. F

    Childcare centres - Who knows about them?

    yes i beleive parents have to pay for times that children cant attend even when it could be that they go overseas for a while, if they want the place when they come back. if a centre isnt full to capacity they may not tell a parent to go for non payment as they may hope the parent will pay...
  2. F

    Childcare centres - Who knows about them?

    child care is a massive amount of work the laws are many and complicated and expectations so high the burn out and turn over rate of staff is often so high they have to work incredibly hard for low pay the repercussions should you make any mistakes can be massive the paper...
  3. F

    Childcare centres - Who knows about them?

    my friends who run child care centres earn 100 000 p/a after all the expenses and loans, even when they are not full to capacity. I have seen some centres chasing down parents for payment others i have seen in their policy books allowances to throw out families who are not fulfilling...
  4. F

    Childcare centres - Who knows about them?

    kristine made the important point that centres with 65 kids or more to make money and a good segment of that kindy age which gets more funding and needing less teachers ration is a start. I have got friends who have started from scratch or bought ready set up centres and done well if you...