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  1. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers
  2. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Indeed however for the bottom 90% survival is considerably different to pre GFC days. Survival went from a reasonable home in the burbs to no job and living out of your car. The market recovery was simply a sugar hit that is starting to wear off. Guess what? There's no where near enough sugar...
  3. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Looks like GFC 2 has hit another gear. Oil crashing, EM FX crashing, credit starting to freeze up.... hmmmm At the current rate of decline it looks like around mid 15 unless they can get this thing under control which doesn't appear likely. Good luck if you're mortgaged to the eyeballs.
  4. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Good attempt at misdirection. Either that or your level of comprehension is sadly lacking.
  5. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    You might want to talk to Keith about the origins of the thread. He likes to bump my posts into the void or in this case a new thread whenever it suits his whim.
  6. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Been saying that all along. You guys take any comment that is wary or pessimistic of developing market conditions, label it doom and gloom and anyone even discussing the matter as an obsessive pessimist. The objective of the discussion is to understand risks better, how they're developing and...
  7. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Oh lets see off the top of my head (in recent times), UK 70's India 91, Scandinavia 90's, Russia 98, Mexico 94, Asia 97, Argentina 2000 and 2013, Iceland 08, Ireland 08, Greece 08, Cyprus 13, Venezuela 13, USA 08, Japan 08, In reality the 08 collapse is still unfolding. All they did was hit...
  8. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Those events have been in train since the 70's and possibly earlier. Who do you think controls/owns the government. It sure as hell isn't you and me. Watching Labours demise was a lesson for all in who really pulls the strings. I cry with laughter when the government says it going to talk to...
  9. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Property values are a function of credit availability, credit capacity, and the cost of credit. Credit capacity (of individuals) is diminishing world wide. CB's have reduced the cost to expand capacity. Availability is increasing and qualifying criteria reducing as credit growth...
  10. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    For millennia our financial system has been based on fractional reserve banking. Don't recall saying they were. A note of whatever denomination is a standardised promissory note. More of the same until it goes tits up. Possibly but the immediate concern is deflation which favors...
  11. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    What we think of as a modern banking system had its roots in Europe around the 13th century. China was using promissory notes written on leather around 200BC This is true of all investment decision making regardless of the cycle. Globally debt's been growing at around 10-13%/pa while...
  12. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    If you were to critically evaluate the performance of PI's over a lifetime then 80% don't make the grade. For millennia our financial system has been based on fractional reserve banking. It has a finite lifetime before requiring a reset. The end of a cycle is usually marked by debt loads so...
  13. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    When the yanks were hunting Bin Laden they would often say that he had to be lucky everyday. They only had to be lucky once. Crashes are like that. They don't come along everyday but when they do will your luck run out? Do you feel lucky?
  14. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    The gubbermint message is that preppers are right wing terrorists. You'll find anything that challenges or threatens big brother will get spun into something makes them out to be anti social in some form or other. Pretty much anything you do these days can be described as terrorism...
  15. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    All true of course and the flip side to that is I know of many who didn't listen to the guy who said it would crash and he's whiling away his time in a council flat trying to stretch his meagre pension until the next cheque and wondering if he'll have enough to be warm this winter. I can...
  16. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    It's OK Dats. I know shadows scare you but Uncle Frecks will keep the boogeyman away. How's that Mac going?
  17. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Get the equity first. You'll be able to get a side order with your Mac. Your gut will thank you.
  18. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    There's been some interesting revelations of late from media pros who have published books and papers about their careers and relationships with the CIA, NSA and Whitehouse. The 'preppers are anti social delinquents' message is pushed extremely hard by govt agencies and their remote...
  19. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    They must be pretty old then. The last 'big one' was during the 30's :eek:
  20. Freckle

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Staggering what you consider as normal. Pump and dumps are actually illegal not normal. QE has never been normal and the doozy where you believe markets are predictive but they lie and mislead. That's up there with the strangest normal I've ever seen. I suspect you're confused.