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  1. Gentle_Chief

    26 properties and still working at my day job (happily)

    hi MTR, Sash, The Atlanta properties are all mostly the 'newer' properties built post 2000. Check out the pics posted in the Member's Gallery. I have had them revalued last month for an Equity loan and most of them...
  2. Gentle_Chief

    26 properties and still working at my day job (happily)

    hi Strongy, Yes I did pick-up 2 Moranbah properties in 2007. Still own them. They are now worth 70-75% of my original purchase price. These two are still rented and are CF+ve till date, since I bought them at their low-point in 07/08. In hind-sight I should have sold them in 2012 at...
  3. Gentle_Chief

    26 properties and still working at my day job (happily)

    Yes DN : Simple approach = Extraordinary results! :) C-mac : Thanks for your kind words, btw, termites is not a bad-word in the investing world in my humble opinion. If managed properly (like yearly termite treatment that costs you $500) it is just another variable to your investing world. I...
  4. Gentle_Chief

    26 properties and still working at my day job (happily)

    It is not a big jump Jamie, something simple, chipping away at the same strategy, investing on 3 or 4 properties every year. Buy +ve CF, Hold and wait, revalue and borrow, Reinvest... nothing more, nothing less ;-) Also attribute it to the most powerful force in the universe ... power...
  5. Gentle_Chief

    26 properties and still working at my day job (happily)

    Hiya peeps, Good day to you all. This is GC, back on Somersoft forum. Some of you might remember me & some of you were not even born then :D naah, just kiddin. Have not been a major major contributor here, but have managed to learn some and give back some to this awesome community. Btw I...