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  1. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    neK, That's correct. Stated in my earlier post. coastymike, Your are right, there are lots of issue. The article I referenced was not intended to be used in relation to the issue at hand, just an example of what one can do in that situation. Do you happen to have any information on...
  2. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    Nice work making the call, was going to get to it myself. Spent a fair bit of time on the net and it's amazing how much I can find on taxing rental income but almost nothing on using losses.... funny that;) anyways this is what I found, it is taken from an article i dug up. Take note of the...
  3. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    Hi Kathryn, There seems to be so much grey area around these issues, after doing some extensive research and managing to get only conflicting information from accountants in Oz and Canada Im still trying to get to a difinitive answer from both countries. I think this is the way they like it...
  4. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    I did the domicle test on the ATO website stating I will be a non resident of Australia and seeing that I will be setting up residence in Canada with my family I am quite cinfident I will be taxed as a resident of Canada. I have received independant advice from an international tax accountant...
  5. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    Shaneelastic, I mentioned in my previous post that I have spoken with accountants and have done some research yet have'nt got a definitive answer, that is why Im asking my questions here. I will definitely be a resident of Canada as I have just about every tie there is through the domicle...
  6. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    NSW, I also think my first question is a feasible yes, was just looking for some confirmation. On the second question I would assume a NO also. Thanks for the link to the book, will check it out. Pushka, If you put it like that then ofcourse. However, lets think about it from another...
  7. Goldigger

    Negative gearing IP in Oz as a non resident

    Hi, Has anyone done something simmilar that they might be able to share their thoughts. I have an IP in Australia that will be rented (negatively geared) whilst Im living overseas, therefore I'll be classified as a non resident of Australia. Will I be able to claim all my losses from...