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  1. H

    The big one is coming say preppers

    The GFC stories I am aware of are mostly variations on the same theory. Exposures to individual shares (Babcock and brown, abc childcare, etc) that looked high yield at the time, together with a margin loan, leaving nothing left at the end. Other than that there was the developer holding a big...
  2. H

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Hi MTR Sorry - I didn't mean to get stuck into you - I could have worded that better. But I do believe that mitigating risk is one of the things we should be talking about more around here - it's not rocket science but it's something that a lot of investors don't do enough of. In order to...
  3. H

    The big one is coming say preppers

    I think this is potentially irresponsible. We could easily get another GFC and printing money is a great response until it doesn't work anymore and it turns into hyper-inflation instead. Nobody knows how much money printing is enough to cause that to happen. But I don't espouse sitting in a...