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  1. H

    Why it really is 'different here'

    Hi TC I agree it will pull up at "some point". However, i can paint a "possible" scenario (I never said it was probable by the way): Median house price $1.5m Two working people per household on $50k Combined Income of $100k = $90k post tax after dealing with all the middle class welfare...
  2. H

    Why it really is 'different here'

    I suspect there's a few of us with a bit more than 2c in this outcome! ;) That's the interesting thing about this forum - you get people with years of experience and multimillion dollar positions in the market debating the merits of investing with someone who has no skin in the game. In what...
  3. H

    Why it really is 'different here'

    Perhaps we could have a scenario like this: - Credit rules get tighter - lower LVRs, restricitions on nodoc/lodoc, already happening. - Lower IRs - already happening. - Rising rents - already happening. - Immigration exceeds new construction - already happening. The median income earner...
  4. H

    Why it really is 'different here'

    Yes - easily. Yes again. Why do median income earners have to own median houses? You make it sound like median home ownership is some god given right to median income earners in the "lucky country". Just because that is our history doesn't mean that is our future. Why can't the...