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  1. H

    Eye of the Storm

    Well, your motivation for this line of argument is now a little more obvious. I hope you have made the right choice with this investment strategy - I wish you well. Nevertheless I would always suggest taking seriously the merits of other investment strategies if you wish to protect and...
  2. H

    Eye of the Storm

    This is interesting - some of the FHB 'burbs I have been keeping my eye on have been pretty stagnant lately after a minor flurry early on in the year. These impacts would help explain why - my take was that nearly all the FHB'ers who could be "brought forward" by the grant already have been and...
  3. H

    Eye of the Storm

    Really? Depends which way you look at it I suppose. I suggest you Google it and check the context of the quote - it was actually an all out attack on landowners at the time... Everything has different ways you can look at it and in this case much is revealed by how you interpret it. The...
  4. H

    Eye of the Storm

    Awww, I dunno... If someone offered me 2x market value for my properties I would take the money and then spend it all again on twice as many properties on the open market as I had before! :D Farmers in general may be attached to their particular pieces of dirt but that only goes so far if...
  5. H

    Eye of the Storm

    Nice one TC! :p It's a bit like building a hydro dam - the asset can be there producing electricity for centuries so the power is essentially free innit? It's all in the upfront capex. Unfortunately discounted cash flow modelling at a reasonable discount rate will see the value of any...
  6. H

    Eye of the Storm

    It would be a compulsory acquisition based on a valuation from the Valuer General - the existing land owner will always be compensated. However, most mining companies would agree with your "common decency" comment and pay well over market prices for the land they want as the cost of such is one...
  7. H

    Eye of the Storm

    You are quite right but it does prevent "stakeholder issues" which they are very keen to avoid. Small price to pay for avoiding a compulsory acquisition under the provisions of the Mining Act and the kerfuffle that would entail! Edit - BC beat me to it! Nice post chilliaa! I see the same...
  8. H

    Eye of the Storm

    I think this idea has a lot of merit... Shenhua isn't just a coal miner... They also own about 20% of China's electricity generation capacity (one of the big four / five coal generators in China - a way of getting their coal to market) They also are one of the biggest wind farm owners...