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  1. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    No. If we had to go back to the polls it would almost definitely be only for the House of Reps - Antony Green just went through it all on the 7:30 Report. No trigger for a DD and the new Senate doesn't sit till July anyway.
  2. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    It would take an awful lot of convincing for me to have any faith in an electronic system of voting. There's nothing like going back to individual pieces of paper when a dispute arises. We have a very reliable and transparent system right now - if it ain't broke I struggle to see why we should...
  3. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Hi SF I only said Labor might. Nothing is a done deal yet and everything depends on how those three seats fall. I'm only pointing out the limited value of predictive election models in the past... As for the Greens I'm not so sure - they are in the same position as the gang of three - if...
  4. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Hi SF - that was also a response to lizzie. Anyway, I agree with the watermelon sentiment - I'm not trying to advocate for the Greens here. More trying to explain that in issues where they have done their homework and have assessed the merits of different policies fairly extensively (such as...
  5. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    I agree the high informal vote would be a "protest". However I'm not so sure about the Greens vote being the same. To take one example, I know quite a few people who are extremely annoyed at the status of climate change policy with the major parties. The Greens offered by far and away the...
  6. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Agreed - me too! The Greens so far have 11.5% of the primary vote - a new record! A 47% increase from last election - what a superb growth rate - verging on exponential! Yet it only gives them one seat in the House of Reps but at least its their first at a general election and they now nine...
  7. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Your understanding is incorrect. It matters what you put in all the boxes if the candidate you put last eventually wins after all preferences are counted. That way you would have voted against them all the way to the end. Put them half way and you would vote for them earlier than you may have...
  8. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    "Sigh...." If only there was a right wing "rational green" party. Perhaps we should start one... :o
  9. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    It is possible to be conservative and believe in risk management. Malcolm Turnbull is exactly that. Unfortunately people like Malcolm, Judy Moylan and Petro Georgiou seem to (just) be in the minority in the Liberal party ATM. I am tempted to vote Liberal on the off chance these guys get into...
  10. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Unless they put the Libs before Labor in their preferences after the Greens, in both the House of Reps and the Senate, as against just following the "How to Vote" card. But I agree most people I talk to don't properly understand the preferential voting system... and don't properly understand...
  11. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Just in support of WW here you could pick their nuclear policy for example which says: "No nuclear power anywhere in the world" and therefore "No uranium mining in Australia" Now while nuclear power is expensive and unnecessary in Australia, how they expect a country like Japan to power...
  12. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Have you not been reading his posts? :p
  13. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Well I just hope you're wrong Mr Fish. I suggest our biggest problem is apathy. There is just so much apathy around politics the lack of insight into how we are governed has become a malaise. Hardly anyone cares anymore so people make their judgements on the one-liners that get thrown about...
  14. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    It probably doesn't very much. The point is it helps stop Australia becoming like them, in a small but material way. If we disregard democracy something or someone else will rise up to fill its place. And if you think our candidates are doing such a bad job, you are free to compete with...
  15. H

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Aaron - I agree with others here. Too much sacrifice has been made by too many to protect our democracy for us to go and treat it with such contempt. I disagree with not voting. It is our reasonable obligation as citizens to do our best to ensure good government. If we don't respect the...