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  1. H

    What does profit margin tell you in a development feasibility study? Not much?

    Thanks rock star for the detailed response. How do you find the time to do all that and hold a full time job (assuming you have a full time job). I'm in the process of working out if a development is still profitable if a builder completes the entire development for you.
  2. H

    What does profit margin tell you in a development feasibility study? Not much?

    Thanks for the reply rockstar, it certainly does help. Do you mind me asking how involved are you in your developments? For example are you a builder and organise the whole show or do you just find the site, do some quick calcs and pass everything to the builder?
  3. H

    What does profit margin tell you in a development feasibility study? Not much?

    Oc, will you be my mentor? In return I'll wash your car for a year:D
  4. H

    What does profit margin tell you in a development feasibility study? Not much?

    Rockstar, how would you go about finding a mentor? I am guessing it's not a role developers / builders advertise? I have thought about approaching developers regarding a mentoring role but then think why would they bother? I've read books on developing, etc but sometimes you need real life...