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  1. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    Maybe you should do it. This would be a good way to shame their behavior. Respect has to be both way. Nobody 'owns' the road, it is shared public space.
  2. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    Very true. That's why I don't ride on main roads. Drivers expect to be able to zoom on them at around 70 km/h. No matter what legal right I may have to ride on them, I don't like to take that chance. While I would prefer others to observe the road rules and pay attention while driving, I...
  3. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    I'm glad we agree on something. If only we could have adequate cycling infrastructure in Australia, we wouldn't be talking about animosity between cyclists and motorists. Why doesn't our govt build the necessary infrastructure? I don't know. Some people claim that it is "too expensive"...
  4. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    Not much compassion still. :( Like you suggested, I think we need a bit more legislation here. We only have millions of pages of law, a few more can't hurt. Let's make it MANDATORY for bicycle haters to have a flashing red light on the roof of their car. This will tell bicycle riders to...
  5. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    This highlights a lack an empathy that has developed among some car drivers and some bicycle riders. That is dangerous. Imagine yourself riding on a bike on a major road. You are doing maybe 25 km/h. Vehicle traffic is doing 60-70 km/h. Even if there is a bicycle lane on the road, cars are...
  6. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    Canberra has great infrastructure for bikes, with separated bicycle paths in many areas. A lot of people cycle in Canberra. This shows that what is missing in Australia is the infrastructure, especially the protected bicycle paths. I'm not surprised people don't want to cycle in cities...
  7. House_Keeper

    Bicycle share schemes: the way of the future?

    Hi everybody, As you may be aware, cycling has became much more popular worldwide in the last few years. There are three main reasons. 1. The green factor: less pollution, less traffic jams, less carbons emissions, ... 2. Heath & fitness: The gentle type of exercise provided by...