Search results

  1. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    I have this really bad habit of asking questions about stuff which people have already provided the answers to. It's exacerbated when i'm tired and haven't been drinking enough! :o 'Night all. Memo to self: Hit the turps tomorrow night before going on forum so that I make more sense...
  2. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    Nice update Redwing - you've gone way deep into the bowels of the archive to drag this one back out - but really good info for anyone considering the Derby area. I don't know anything about Cockatoo & Koolan islands; certainly they're not on my agenda for no real reason. Do you see any...
  3. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    Back at work today and got hold of local paper; so here are the advertised figures for anyone interested: 1BR x 1Bth $600K - Rent $980/wk. 2x2 $850K - Rent $1390/wk. 3x2 $970K - Rent $1585/wk. 3yr rent guarantee - lease back to Finbar (developer) with fixed 8.5% mention...
  4. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    G'day Belbo & All, Glad to see you took my post for its' exact intent and in jest.....(I am scared for the numpty property lemmings that read 'Hot Spot' style articles or factually bereft articles from part time property magazine contributors, then they go out and buy in the Pilbara, Surat...
  5. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    G'day Ausprop & All, LNG hub; maybe some port facilities.....too far for Woodside / Browse. Inpex are not in picture for a long time. Barnetts' spin on Pilbara cities was for affordable, sustainable pricing & rents.......pricings for these Karratha snot boxes are not...
  6. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    G'day Belbo, I'm getting a bit nervous with the current drive by WA Govt. trying to massively spruik & 'sell' these Pilbara $hitholes to the public. I mean every second or third day in the media there is some article about the next 2500 lot development out back of bum#uck. 50,000 mining boom...
  7. Ian (WA)

    Derby, WA - finally?

    Derby.....not in our lifetime. James Price for Woodside.....multi millions already spent on pre-works and they will not locate to Derby. Inpex aren't even on the table & won't be for a long while; they won't deal with Barnett after earlier #uckup with him. I can't say anything more so...