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  1. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    The Carbon Tax is the biggest con of the 21st Century... It has been scientifically PROVEN (through ice core samples...look it up) that CO2 does NOT cause the earth's temperature to rise.... Actually it is the exact opposite! The earth's temperature IS correlated to CO2 BUT inversely to that...
  2. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Actually, it is a historically fair generalization. I agree with Dazz on this 100%. I acknowledge that party politics are no longer black & white but rather, many shades of grey... However, the party politics of Labor are still aimed at the working class, whilst Liberals tend to look after...
  3. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    2 reasons: 1. Naivety 2. Convenient targets ......ummm, yeah, that's about it ;)
  4. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    It costs everyone! This is currency debasement.... been around for centuries & never ends particularly well. Just look at the US.... USD ~22% devalued since the printing press went ballistic in 2008. That is a huge cost in 3 short years and the affect is still not fully realized yet...
  5. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Exactly!!! Government rules & regulations force us down that path in urban areas. It is utterly nuts! Nope. Doesn't necessarily cost more. It just means doing things differently, such as urban planning, building codes and meaningful incentives, not more taxes. Many countries use double...
  6. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    LOL.... whilst I see your angle here, I can't help but laugh. Why? Well, if they were REALLY serious about this then we would already be at 10+ stars or the scale would have to be redefined. Why is that? Well you see, one of the biggest energy costs in a household is heating/cooling. They...
  7. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Well, there goes another $1K /yr to be squandered by the government. Yay, let's all celebrate yet another tax rip-off. If anyone honesty thinks that the tax raised from this sham will have any real impact on "global warming" other than a "feel good about ourselves vibe", then they are utterly...
  8. Indifference

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Oh sure, and I guess the last Ice Age was due to the Dinosaurs and their rapid technological advances that got CO2 production out of control..... Maybe we can plug up all the volcanos on earth as well, since they polluting our planet with devastating affect. I tell my son to think for...