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  1. I

    China to blow up this year...

    I agree with this part in so far as developing future strategies for myself. Look at how other successful people have done things and then try to replicate the procedure at the right point in time. But that doesnt mean i will automatically follow that persons current commentary, especially...
  2. I

    China to blow up this year...

    and now i am ment to take my cues from a property developer. No thanks i will pass
  3. I

    China to blow up this year...

    'v-shaped' recovery on a view point going through 2010: yes definately longer than this: i dont know, i still have my doubts. Its why i want to be liquid, i prefer to have exposure to liquid investment assets rather than illiquid ones.
  4. I

    China to blow up this year...

    I dont know this guy, and havent bothered to read the link (too much information can lead to investment paralysis). I prefer to be selective in my reading material. I will say one thing however, over most points in time, bulls win over bears, why because capitalism works over time...