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  1. J

    Bank val above contract price

    Now that would be nice! In today's market I think a realistic val would be around the $530k mark ($500k being ultra conservative) based on comparables. This is using comparable properties that are a few years old rather than other OTP sales so there should be no issues with a valuer...
  2. J

    Bank val above contract price

    Thanks again for the responses. Two follow up questions: 1. Is it possible to get upfront vals with a few different lenders (preferably through a broker) then submit the loan application based on the best val? Will this usually result in different valuers? 2. I understand NAB (and...
  3. J

    Bank val above contract price

    Thanks for the quick response guys. Would I be right in saying that it will be a battle to get a valuer to bring in the val above the purchase price regardless of it being justified? My experience with OTP vals tells me that they are generally a lot more conservative than established properties.
  4. J

    Bank val above contract price

    Hi All I have an OTP unit under contract with settlement expected around September 2015. The purchase price is $439k (about $30k below the developer's valuation). I am in the process of changing the unit to convert it from a 2 bed plus study to a three bed. This is being done as a...