Search results

  1. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    Do yourself a favour and give Marty a call - he deals with this stuff daily and I'm sure he'll be happy to order an upfront val and sort this out for you. Cheers Jamie
  2. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    Some BDMs might :-) But at the same time I'm sure they're also thankful for the business. Cheers Jamie
  3. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    I request pricing on pretty much everything - especially with the majors. Some will price on LVR - some don't. All will price on loan size and/or aggregate borrowings. You just get a feel for what's available at the time. Cheers Jamie
  4. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    Vals generally last anywhere between 3 to 6 months. An upfront with CBA will cost your broker $49 if you don't proceed with an application. Cheers Jamie
  5. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    CBA will either go off a desktop valuation (usually up to 80% LVR depending on the property) and generally (not always) a full inspection for above 80% If you only need an 80% LVR than I'd usually look at the desktop result first - and if it doesn't stack up, order a full val. Cheers Jamie
  6. Jamie M

    Refinancing - Need advice

    Great post by Marty. By focusing on getting the lowest rate - you're overlooking much larger costs with potentially go into the thousands. I'd be inclined to stick with CBA too - and request a pricing discount on your current loan. If you need a good broker - Marty has done a great job...