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  1. Jamie M

    Investor Lender Order

    All good - you've got to start somewhere and not everyone has large cash reserves to support themselves for a year or two while setting up a business. Cheers Jamie
  2. Jamie M

    Investor Lender Order

    Not at all. Work smart and you can easily maintain a work/life balance. Being self employed provides lots of flexibility. The "no sleep" comes for the poor buggers who are starting out and trying to maintain a full time PAYG job whilst writing loans. Cheers Jamie
  3. Jamie M

    Investor Lender Order

    Hi Ben There's no one size fits all - all depends on the client, their equity, borrowing capacity, risk profile, and importantly - their plans. There are some lenders you just wouldn't bother with for investors - because of cashout issues and poor servicing, but apart from that, there's...