Search results

  1. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Don't know about Gracemere, but properties located in close proximity to the city and hospital are doing o.k. Have a look at the rentals being advertised, and you might be surprised. Cheers Jen
  2. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hi I thought it might be useful to have a look at what is actually going on with rents in the area. It paints an interesting picture, and definitely more accurate than speculation! Please note, I had to delete a couple of sheets due to size, but the data is readily available via rta...
  3. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hmm. I would avoid mining focused properties - e.g. Gracemere. Thinking outside the square could be helpful though. Personally, I prefer the older suburbs with value add. Cheers Jen
  4. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hi I have just been reading one of Terry Ryder's latest reports 'Cheapies with Prospects' and Rockhampton still features, so I think it's a case of 'watch this space'. Yes, Depot Hill has taken a hit, but no surprises there. It is the main flood zone, and no investor is likely to buy...
  5. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hi Cliff Please see the attached graphs on central Rocky. Data is a little bit old, but still interesting. I've also attached one on Gladstone which I thought was interesting given the current 'decline'. Cheers Jen
  6. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Rocky rental data If you haven't already seen it, you might find this rental data interesting as well. Cheers Jen
  7. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hi Cliff I've attached a couple of graphs you might find interesting. I had to input a suburb though, so note that these are both for Rockhampton City, not the region. Cheers Jen
  8. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    Hi Blueberry, and others that are interested in John Lindeman's article regarding Rockhampton. The article was published in the June 2012 issue of API magazine, who have very kindly provided a link for those of us who wish to download the article - thanks API! :)...
  9. JenJen

    Rockhampton, QLD Which Suburb

    I think Rockhampton is a good place to invest, and have recently purchased in Rockhampton City itself. As you are probably aware, Rockhampton is subject to flow on from Gladstone in terms of rent and future growth, but the economy is broader based than Gladstone, so it has more stability. Rocky...