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  1. Jenko

    Why don't Brisbanites like Sangdate/Brighton?

    If you haven't been to Agnes for awhile you should do a day trip from Bargara. A new bigger and better Food Works at Agnes Central has just open and there is a private high school being built atm. The high school will be up an running for 2015 school year. There is talk around town that the...
  2. Jenko

    Why don't Brisbanites like Sangdate/Brighton?

    I wasn't talking to you in the surf at Agnes this weekend was I? Love that place myself.
  3. Jenko

    Why don't Brisbanites like Sangdate/Brighton?

    Woody Point, Redcliffes & Scarborough are nice looking suburbs these days and constantly improving.
  4. Jenko

    Why don't Brisbanites like Sangdate/Brighton?

    There is absolutely no comparison to Sydney's Beaches.... Full stop! It's ridiculous compairing the two.