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  1. J

    Facing a war

    Yeah... but that's because they're our allies, not because they're necessarily a good force in the world or anything. Whether or not they help us is a side issue. If you wanted to talk about whether they're "good" or "evil", you have to see how they treat their enemies, not their friends.
  2. J

    Facing a war

    Haha this thread is hilariously all over the place. War, honey, volcanoes, investing, socialism! :P Somersoft pays off with the entertainment factor tonight
  3. J

    Facing a war

    I am about 1 percent as worried about ISIS as about China. The West worries far too much about that sort of thing. Think about it - explain ISIS extremists plan to take over China? Oh yeah, wait, the whole country and growing gigantic economy doesn't give a **** about ISIS, would never be...
  4. J

    Facing a war

    IMO large scale conflict is very unlikely. However there are some changing dynamics which make the possibilities there. The unchallenged hegemony of the US over the last three quarters of a century, might finally be changing. I'm talking about China here, not Russia. China now diverting...