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  1. Kinnon Bell


    You actually made me 'laugh out loud' Rolf. You certainly have not put me off NRAS properties, the idea has just been put on the back burner for the short term as I have my eye on a place that needs a bit of TLC which is more my forte. Who knows the motives behind my PB - our 'relationship'...
  2. Kinnon Bell


    Thanks very much for that Rolf. As I touched on before when I read what she wrote I wasn't too sure which way to read it as the context she wrote it in I read it as they don't care either way (ie a goer for NRAS) but after reading here about what lenders think of NRAS I asked for further...
  3. Kinnon Bell


    Certainly do have it in writing Rolf, our correspondence was via email. When you say the information I have provided is contradictory are you referring to the statement "ANZ does not have a position on..." or have you been told differently via your brokering channels?
  4. Kinnon Bell


    FWIW I contacted my banker at ANZ regarding borrowing for an NRAS property and she advised (after contacting the lending team) that "ANZ does not have a position on NRAS". After asking her to clarify further, as I was reading it both ways, she said that the property doesn't matter if it's NRAS...