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  1. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    The IPCC said this: BTW.... I don't claim these things, in the same way I don't "claim" 5 is greater than 1, I also don't "claim" the existence of owls.
  2. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Correct. And there is the problem. "none of it caused or influenced by us silly humans to any noticeable degree". The evidence is there. And yet you persist that humans can't possibly cause it. TC can dish it out, but cries when people strike back. It's a human failing, we all do it. But...
  3. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    That Southern Australia graph does show a downward trend since the 1970s. I'm not sure why you would think that the BOM would make this up. But again one of your core discussions points BV, is that because you don't understand it, because you can't imagine it, then it must be impossible...
  4. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Your aggreate graph is misleading. It uses data all over Australia, but the BOM clearly states that "Rainfall has increased in northern Australia since the 1970s and decreased in south-east and south-west Australia". The map of Australia graphic supports this. Lightweight. It does not take a...
  5. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    So I am the only one us two that should stop the insults? By your very own definition you must have a weak arguement. I could have sworn you are a polymath. I make no bones about my poor diplomatic and interpersonal skills. Whats your excuse? Or is this typical right wing do as I say rubbish...
  6. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    It's a simple question. Where is the data from these thousands of people?
  7. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    That data I will analyse, but I want the real data from those thousands of your inbred mates.
  8. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    There are big words in there. Do you need someone to explain it? Is is wrong? Are you also now a plant biologist? Tell you what I grow my own fruit, veg and eggs. We should swap farmer yarns. I must be as much of a farm expert as you are a climate scientist. I should apply for a diesel subsidy.
  9. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Sure thing buddy. Leave the science to the scientists. What would be the effects of an increase of CO2 on agriculture and plant growth in general? 1. CO2 enhanced plants will need extra water both to maintain their larger growth as well as to compensate for greater moisture evaporation...
  10. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article I call BS on you Topper. Show us all your datasets, from all these thousands of people. I'd love to perform my own analysis. You should also ring up these dairy farmers and assure them that it is all in their heads...
  11. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    No effort at all. The Internet is wonderful, it allows you to get actual quotes from real scientists, real scientific data, and real scientific results. You don't even have to make up stuff, you should try it sometime.
  12. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Here is what the IPCC actually said in the 2014 report, Jonathan Nott, a professor at James Cook University and expert on cyclone history said this: What the BOM has actually said is this:
  13. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Actually it is climate change. Changes will make it colder in places. Mischievous deniers, these dangerous people will make up any crap they like, they will twist words, they will selectively use evidence. They will never though, never ever actually commit to what they are saying. Put it in...
  14. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    I don't have to do anything. The research and science has been done. It's all there on line. You are an anti science troll or a fool who doesn't know a money making opportunity when they see it. If I had your "proof" I would publish, and retire a very rich and happy man. Like all deniers, you...
  15. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    You are an anti science troll. I get it now. Cheers.
  16. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Remember. BV does this for fun. He is a troll.
  17. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    If you are going to quote rubbish at least quote the correct rubbish. The 1/4000th relates to what will be the global affect of the Carbon Tax in terms of temperature. And Bolt is correct. By the carbon tax was always meant to be a pricing signal so that Australia can prepare for the changes...
  18. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    PSSSSTTTT These people just solved the problem of the influenza virus, All you do is ignore it because it is so small. When someone with flu sneezes, they release droplets 1-4 microns in diameter called "droplet nuclei"; these remain suspended in the air for very long periods and may not only...
  19. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Actually you can ignore oceans, you can even ignore all the evidence if you don't want to see it or if you have some sort of defect that prevents you from seeing it. I don't know if the deniers will ever be persuaded. The only question is, in time will they ever acknowledge their mistake and...
  20. L

    do the greens need a lesson in economics? article

    Anyone ever see bubbles from coke NOT come out of it even when it is just out of the fridge? She's wrong. Read the discussion further down on the page. If you read Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III it might enlighten you. "The analysis of...