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  1. Lil Skater

    Break lease

    Do you have a link to the ad? This time of year tends to be a little slower, but if the ad is no good no one is going to bother coming to look.
  2. Lil Skater

    Break lease

    Chaos, NTV can be served once 14 full days in arrears (15th day). If it remains unpaid 3 business days later (day 18) you can apply to VCAT. Wait for VCAT hearing depends greatly on the area the property is, generally 2 weeks - but have seen 5+ weeks!! It's true that the tenant is liable...
  3. Lil Skater

    Break lease

    If a tenant breaks their lease, and stops paying rent you really do need to take the normal process for insurance purposes. Is it worth considering a reduction in rent to get a tenant, and claiming shortfall, plus break fees from previous tenant? I don't know what your previous tenants are like...