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  1. Luv2Travel

    Bubye KRudd

    I believe unions have their place, look back many years before they existed at how workers were treated. But as usual, no one is ever happy and the pendulum swings the other way. I don't have a problem with paid annual leave, afterall, workers are often paid a set salary and often don't...
  2. Luv2Travel

    Bubye KRudd

    I disagree. As many women (who can't think) who vote for her just because she's female will probably be offset by the number of men (who can't think) who won't vote for her because she's female. It is nice to see a female prime minister, I think I even said this. Doesn't mean I am going to...
  3. Luv2Travel

    Bubye KRudd

    You reap what you sow. I believe he deserves all that he's getting. Maybe you're just a nicer person than I am Lizzie. :)
  4. Luv2Travel

    Bubye KRudd

    I'm in that age bracket but maybe I'm a minority with a brain, which is quite sad. I see your point, but as someone else pointed out there are probably as many men who won't vote for her because she's female. Same old story, some people can't see past the gender... as much as we like to think...
  5. Luv2Travel

    Bubye KRudd

    Do you really think women are that stupid? That we'll vote for someone just because they're female no matter what they say and do? :( I admit, I HATE Kevin Rudd, always have, and think it's brilliant he's coming to this embarassing end. I prefer Julia Gillard, and admit it's great we may...