Search results

  1. M

    OTP buying - Fortitude Valley -2016 completion

    IMHO, great to live in but a very poor investment. I am wondering what the strata costs will be for maintaining all those amenities? I hope your ROI stacks up! Best of luck.....
  2. M

    OTP buying - Fortitude Valley -2016 completion

    Can some investors state whether it is a fact or opinion they are recommending? Where have they bought OTP, when for how much and what growth and experience they had through the process? I would be interested to know that........thanks.
  3. M

    OTP buying - Fortitude Valley -2016 completion

    OTP, IMHO, inferior because: - you don't know what you are getting, greedy developers can change the fixtures and fittings on you, can vary plans and redevelop common areas, can build next door and take your view, can ask for more money in rising market (some), can alter and provide alternative...