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  1. MarkB

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    No, I remember that.... (quite well, actually) But even by then (mid 2003) the bushfire was already widespread and massive and no-one (not even the RBA, at the time) had a hose big enough to douse the flames.... and said newbie just wanted to find somewhere that was not yet already alight...
  2. MarkB

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    [emphasis added] Probably before I arrived here.... As much as I remain personally agnostic as to the voracity of any forthcoming "wider movement in dwelling prices" - even Stevie Wonder would be able to see the anticipation building on this forum.....
  3. MarkB

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    @ See Change If this forum was a racehorse, you'd be done for animal cruelty atm. /me takes the whip away