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  1. M

    NAB I/O @ 5 Years

    beats me peter - but i did give my bank account statements (which had company X ) on the transanction however my payslips were using company y. Not my fault - just gave what i had. In essence company y was a subsidiary for company x and combo. It is a listed ASX - which was company X. I...
  2. M

    NAB I/O @ 5 Years

    i applied for a NAB credit card recently, and they bascally drilled me for info like crazy to get it approved, order of name (why no middle name and why there is one on the driver's license), why the employer name did not reflect the pay slip employer name etc (subsidiary of a company) etc.
  3. M

    NAB I/O @ 5 Years

    i'm with bankwest. and my I/O loan is expiring in a couple of months. I renewed it again with bankwest - all i had to do was to sign a transfer form to a new loan product. no payslips etc. did the same with ANZ once too many years ago.