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  1. MichaelW

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Arjay, Thanks for bumping this otherwise dead thread back to the top, even if your post was suggesting the thread is a waste of time. ;) I'd sort of hoped it had died of neglect... Doh, am I guilty of my own accusation!! :eek: Nah, it was already bumped... Cheers, Michael.
  2. MichaelW

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Right that does it! Its a good thing noone takes your posts seriously qaz or I'd have to sue!! ;) Cheers, Michael.
  3. MichaelW

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Guys, The law is not necessarily logical or common sense. In particular defamation defies this test. My understanding from my wife, a solicitor, is that a statement doesn't even have to be false to be suable for defamation. That is, you can say something that is entirely true about...
  4. MichaelW

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Guys, I'm with Quiggles on this one. I can't believe that so many people are so caught up in the whole d*****x thing. Personally, I now know they exist and will give it 6 months or so to see if it flies. In the meantime I don't give a toss, and will happily just keep reading all the...