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  1. Mike


    Reply: From: Mike . Hi James, I'm sorry if you were misled into thinking I am "well educated in the idea of wrapping". In fact the opposite is true. I inserted a portion of a long document, I found on the Web, relating to Texas case law into my post merely to illustrate how a...
  2. Mike


    Reply: 2.1.1 From: Mike . Hi Grant, Your definition seems to match this one by Steve McKnight: A wrap is where you buy a house and then resell it on "vendor" terms. That resale wraps around your original acquisition. As a result of a classified ad we ran six months ago, Dave received a...
  3. Mike


    Reply: 2 From: Mike . Hi Grant, I've got a better idea. How about you research the subject at the following forum site that talks and talks about wrappinng. Look in their old forum archive, as well. Then post a simple explanation of the concept for us...