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  1. M

    Irritating Tenants

    Me too - it's just like a conversation - when did they ever stay on-topic? Good luck with your bugs!
  2. M

    Irritating Tenants

    Yeah, that's what they said. Must be a business opportunity there somewhere!
  3. M

    Irritating Tenants

    Ta Wylie. I wasn't thinking of older style / character houses. They probably don't use them on those here either. When our friends were in NZ a year or so ago, they couldn't believe the lack of screens there. I don't know why they noticed particularly, but said they didn't see any the...
  4. M

    Irritating Tenants

    Bugs are just a fact of life. I have bugs - and I'm neat and clean in the house (mostly). My tenants had problems with ants - I organised a pest spray of the block - they still had ants - I told them to buy some Antex. What more can you do? It amazes me the things that homeowners put up...