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  1. Monopoly

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with the thread, but.... Hey Cat, when one of my posts was deleted with "Troll" given as the explanation I was flabbergasted to say the least!!! Horrified, I PMed Sim to ask why. I have since become somewhat more "net jargon" savvy and terms like...
  2. Monopoly

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Who said anything about "coping"??? I said it was "frustrating" but just because the subject is taboo doesn't mean life support will be cut off; I'll survive, promise. :D Point taken boss man!! ;) Cheers, Jo
  3. Monopoly

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Sim, I do agree that we all need to be mindful of making defamatory comments, however, I don't see the harm in even "speculative" discussion as long as no individual is defamed in any way. {snip} I fully appreciate your position in maintaining order, although I don't always agree with...
  4. Monopoly

    Sim: why the Removal of derivex Product Line thread and "troll" reason...

    Here you go Cat, Here is a forum in which both IFHL/Derivex (agent/management staff) have contributed, and that may be of interest to you. :D Cheers, Jo