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  1. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Yes my bad, my earlier posts DO indeed appear judgemental. Hence my apologies to you Caterpillar. :o However, the purpose of my question, was not intended to make people feel they should be "ashamed". Albeit I don't agree with their vote/view (if it is, as Sunfish said "fair dinkum") that...
  2. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Relax caterpillar, the purpose of my questioning is based on years of observational experience; having researched behaviours and people's responses in focus groups. Albeit it could be perceived as "confrontational" especially if you don't understand my sarcasm (as many newbies such as yourself)...
  3. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    I didn't say ALL the big guns, of course there will be the handful who will chase even the most miniscule of $$$ but if they're smart, and care anything about their reputation, they will write it off as a loss (a tax perk). I'm sorry (but no, not entirely surprised) to hear that these...
  4. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    I rest my case Skater, It is the average "mum and dad" investor / landlord or lady that has most to lose here, and THEY will be the ones wanting to chase this money, not your Telcos, or utilities companies; they don't need the bad wrap (they get enough of that without having "heartless" added...
  5. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Agreed!! Disagree. Chances are for a sum of $600 (the amount in question here) most certainly YES. The bad publicity ie. "heartless" label/headlines born from chasing this insignificant amount, would cost any company worth their place on the stockmarket, more than it would be worth to...
  6. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    To a certain degree yes, they do BH, But it appears there are more votes than there are corresponding replies, hence my question; call it curiousity!!! :p I need to add here, that I did not ask the question as a means of pointing the finger at anyone; people are entitled to their opinions...
  7. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    You're making it sound as though he was left in the building to rot for days!!! :o BTW Natmarie, YOU can dismiss my question above, as you have already identified yourself. At least you have the b***s to stand by your conviction (even though others; myself included) may not share it; I...
  8. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Here's an interesting observation.... Polls are often an inaccurate reflection of reality. My guess is that those (at the time of writing this post) 13 people who voted/selected "I'd absolutely pursue my entitlements - this is business" are doing so as a knee jerk reaction; gun-ho...
  9. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Agree! And btw Jaycee, I'm female. ;) (Just thought I'd clarify as some people tend to refer to guys as "mate").
  10. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Oops, my bad...:o Sorry mate! ;)
  11. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Steady on Strannik, In Jaycee's defence, I don't think she was referring to anyone here. I think it was a generalisation of people overall "demanding" others do X, Y or Z (following the death of a loved one). Luckily, she was didn't make the mistake of referring to those jumping to...
  12. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    I hear you Jaycee, but please don't be disheartened by the "demands" of others; at the end of the day, they are no different to you or me, they just need to brush up on their communication skills, that's all!!! :o
  13. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Yes Jaycee, I have lost both. :(
  14. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    As someone else pointed out, this is a matter of the 28 days (no more or less) hence my views (morally and practically) are based on the situation for what it is, a small price in comparison to the huge loss to this man's family. At the end of the day, people will deal with this as they see...
  15. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    EXACTLY!!! We're talking a lousy ONE MONTH'S RENT here, not a year's wages. It's not like the man was dead in the building for 6 months. Besides, after the publicity this smuck is creating for himself (ie. he has already identified his location; Traralgon) the chances of anyone renting...
  16. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    I agree, it is the individual's responsibility to ensure that there is sufficient funds in one's estate to cover his/her liabilities; that is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do, however (aside from the fact that death is often thrust upon the unsuspecting....) The most logical course of action, is...
  17. Monopoly

    Dead tenant...

    Gimme a break people.... THE MAN SUFFERED A HEART ATTACK....AND DIED!!! He didn't own a crystal ball and as such was unable to predict that in 28 days time was going to exit this world (let alone his !@#$%! lease agreement)??!! :rolleyes: Come on, how hard up do you have to be, to...