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  1. M

    Depreciation Report -wld you get one? pays to speak to the Missus...she works accounting firm..she says.." you idiot" :eek: we use BT all the the wheels are in motion..thanks:)
  2. M

    Depreciation Report -wld you get one?

    Any direction on a company that does it located eastern side melb areas?
  3. M

    Depreciation Report -wld you get one?

    thankyou...tick..will arrange!... yes I read the FL thread on doing his own .. cheers!:)
  4. M

    Depreciation Report -wld you get one?

    Basically, this is it..had PPOR for 8 years, it was built 1995. Renovtions were done late last year and now we have moved out and its now turned into an IP. Due to age etc, is it worth getting a depreciation report done on this house. No real new apliances or anything added, but just a spruce...